The Leith Wheeler Stanley Park Open was pleased to host the inaugural Girls’ Team Tennis event on July 9, 2022. Girls in the U12 and U14 age groups got a chance to play some great team tennis-with old friends and new!

The 16 participants were formed into teams and these young athletes from all over connected quickly. The first event was choosing team names–and creativity shone: The Savage Cabbages, The No-Namers, The Flaming Hot Cheetos and The Coco Melon reflected the spirit of the day! Once the ice was broken, it was time to hit the courts for some singles and doubles action in a team-tennis format.

Of course, play continued off the court and social time for the competitor was the big fun factor of the day! The girls had a great time bonding and they showed that a sport that appears to be individual on the surface is one of the closest team sports out there! Prizes were given out to winning teams, but everyone was a champ today!

Later in the day, the ITF qualifying took place, showing a good level across the board. Player packages included our Featured Sponsor, Mid-Day Squares–keep reading to find out more about these tasty treats.

It was also the first day for the Women’s NTRP categories. There was great weather all day and staff were thankful that there were no tech hang ups! Volunteers were ready, willing and able and they worked hard to get everything ready to go! The Tennis BC trailer is up and running, the Stanley Park Brewing beer garden was even busier, spectators were treated to amazing matches at all levels and everyone from players to fans had a great day in the park–what could be better than sun, tennis, friends and the Leith Wheeler Stanley Park Open?

Today’s Featured Sponsor: Mid-Day Squares
Do you feel guilty for having those chocolate-bar cravings part way through the day? Do you turn to a protein bar to keep hunger at bay? What if there was a tastier alternative? Can you imagine a functional chocolate bar? Well, you don’t have to because Mid-Day Squares are everything a chocolate bar isn’t and are everything a protein bar wishes it was! Flavours include: Almond CRUNCH, Fudge Ya and Peanut Butta. What will become your favourite?
The Stanley Bark Open