Day 11 brought the dreaded rain-two rain delays for the National Junior Open Series (NJOS) Fortunately, many hands and a crew of willing volunteers meant that teams got to work as soon as the rain stopped to dry the courts. Despite the late start, only three of the matches scheduled for the day didn’t finish. It’s always important to have a contingency plan, and in order to get (almost) all the matches in, courts were provided at UBC and Hollyburn Tennis Club. It was a herculean effort by the team at Tennis BC!
On deck today, the NJOS started at 8:00am, and the first round of the Open main draw began at 1:00pm. NTRP matches continued into the evening, starting at 5:00pm. Tennis BC would like to thank the many volunteers that gave a little bit more today to make it all happen as smoothly as possible despite the weather!
CTV News was in the Park to do the weather forecast on an appropriately rainy Vancouver day, and also to interview Darwin Schandor, Regional Vice President, National Bank.

Undaunted by the looming clouds! Crews worked hard to get courts ready for play.

Double take! It takes two to make a team